Read me first !
This database is a selection and overview of typical glacier and permafrost disasters in mountains. The database is by no means complete, nor are the disaster descriptions complete. The present version is an initial test version. We appreciate any corrections and extensions for included cases, and additional cases (see next section).The database is ment to improve process understanding by providing parameters of cases and the type of processes involved in these cases.
The database is neither suitable for assessing hazards in individual cases nor for any disaster forecasting. Individual case histories can be dangerously misleading when used for hazard assessment at the same site because the relevant local conditions may have changed substantially.
GAPHAZ does not take any responsibility about the completeness and correctness of the database entries!
Your contribution and feedback is wanted!
The cases in the database are not completely described and the descriptions might contain errors. Please provide corrections and additional information on cases you are familiar with, or provide information sources other than the ones mentioned.
Please provide information on cases which you find not included in the database. As a rule of thumb cases are included if they cause substantial damage or seem of high interest to the scientific community.
Please contact Andreas Kääb for any feedback, corrections and extensions of the database.
Authors & Contributors
The initial version of this database was compiled by Melanie Flubacher at the Department of Geography, University of Zurich, with support of Christian Huggel, Michael Zemp and Andreas Kääb, and in close collaboration with the World Glacier Monitoring Service.Valuable updates were provided by: ... your name can stand here!
More information & Citation
When using this database, we would be grateful if you cite the"Working group on glacier and permafrost hazards in mountains by UCCS and IPA", "" and/or
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04374, 2007
For more information see:
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04374, 2007
Poster at EGU 2007
An extensive description, discussion and analysis of the database is contained in the diploma thesis of Melanie Flubacher. The thesis is available in German PDF
GoogleEarth-link to KMZ-file
List of events that are not yet in the above database but already registered:
New and additional events in preparation
Please send your comments, recommendations, corrections, and new or missed events to Andreas Kääb
- Open GoogleEarth
- Set a network link to the kmz-file using
Add > Network Link
Name: Glacier and Permafrost Disasters.
OK - Expand [+] the network link under Places to see the registered events. Use the scroll-bar to the left to scroll through the placemarks.
- Click the placemark name for the description balloon, or double-click it to fly to it. Click the coloured placemark to see the description balloon.
List of events that are not yet in the above database but already registered:
New and additional events in preparation
Please send your comments, recommendations, corrections, and new or missed events to Andreas Kääb
Database access
How to use the HTML-based version of the database:
How to use the HTML-based version of the database:
- Click "Legend" to understand the symbols
- Click a symbol to get the event description
- Click "Overview map" and click on the region of interest: the center of the main map will shift. Use this procedure to navigate on the main map. For navigation you can also use the left mouse-button: press+hold+drag.
- Use the + and - slider to zoom in at the map center (if the highest zoom level causes problems, zoom out one level)
- With the mouse pointer on the main map, press enter. You get a (unsorted list) of events. Click on an event and you will get the event location, and its parameters in a new window. For getting the event description you have to click on the map symbol of the event!
- Use "Lists" to get lists sorted by the process type. Choose the process type in the pull-down menu to the top right of the lists window. The event descriptions (not yet the event paramters) are also available as GoogleEarth kml-file Note: The location coordinates are not yet refined to well match the GoogleEarth layers!
- Click the above link to the file gaphaz.kml and save the file lokally
- Open GoogleEarth File > Open > choose gaphaz.kml
- In the "places"-window select click + to the left of "gaphaz.kml" to view the database entries
- Single-click an event name to see the description
- Double-click an event name to zoom in
- You may use the "Tour" command to visit all places If you want to get the complete data base as Exel-file for your research, please contact Andreas Kääb